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Mirjana Soldo's Monthly Apparition - Scene From The Triumph |
The month of May is the "Month of Mary" in the Catholic Church and I hope that most of you who are reading this blog post have made that extra effort to honour Our Blessed Mother during this time. For those of you who have wanted to, but have not done so and would like an opportunity to make up for it, today's post is definitely for you.
In a few days time on Saturday, May 31st, there will be a Marian Day of Prayer at Canada Christian College, a wonderful Marian event organized and presented by the Ave Maria Centre of Peace. It will be a grace filled day that will include: the recitation of the Joyful and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, confessions available through the day and Mass. In addition, there will be four guest speakers providing testimonials on how Our Lady Queen of Peace in Medjugorje changed their lives: Zaid Jazrawi, a millionaire businessman who sold his businesses to produce The Triumph, Michael O'Brien a converted rock and roll musician who now performs for Our Lady, Father Rick Wendell, a lay Catholic that was called to the priesthood after living a life mired in sin and Wayne Weible, a former newspaper publisher, journalist, and non-practicing Lutheran who sold his publishing business and devoted his life to spreading awareness on the importance of Medjugorje. The program schedule will begin with the screening of the Medjugorje movie, The Triumph. If you missed this documentary's previous screenings here in the Toronto area this past winter, Saturday's Marian event will be an opportunity to view one of the most inspiring films on Medjugorje. For those of you who have honoured Mary in an increased way this month, the Marian Day of Prayer is a perfect way to conclude May's Marian theme.
If you are somewhat new to Medjugorje and The Triumph movie, I have published several posts on both, but perhaps a brief introduction would be in order. Our Lady first appeared in Medjugorje on June 24, 1981 on the Feast of St. John The Baptist to the first two of six visionaries, Ivanka Elez (formerly Ivankovic) and Mirjana Soldo (formerly Dragicevic). The next day, Our Lady appeared to the other four: Marija Lunetti (formerly Pavlovic), Jakov Colo, Ivan Dragicevic and Vicka Mijatovic (formerly Ivankovic). At these apparitions, Our Lady Queen of Peace as she has entitled herself, has prayed with the visionaries, granted blessings and given messages for the world. The four basic messages of Our Lady are: prayer, peace, fasting and penance. Here is Our Lady's basic messages in Her own words on June 6, 1988:
Dear children, it’s going to be seven years soon that I have been coming to you. I ask you to renew in yourselves the messages I have given to you. These are messages of prayer, peace, fasting, and penance. Make some penance yourselves. All of the other messages come from these four basic ones, but also live the other ones. Thank you for responding to my call. I am your Mother. Open your heart to the grace.Our Lady's messages are so important and have received so much international attention, that today over 40 million pilgrims have gone to and become spiritually adopted by Medjugorje. There is so much peace and hope emanating from Medjugorje that it has clearly become the spiritual center of the world. Medjugorje is a place of many graces where: confessions are heard daily, where the entire Rosary is recited daily, where pilgrims arrive daily, where people find the answers to life questions, where conversions occur, where faith and hope is restored and strengthened, where there are vocations to the priesthood and religious life, where there are all types of healing, where miracles occur everyday, all of which are just some of the fruits harvested in this spiritual orchard we affectionately refer to as Medjugorje.
The messages from Our Lady continue to this day. Immediate access to the current messages and Our Lady's "little stones" (core messages) are available at my sidebar. In addition there are videos from three of the six visionaries: Mirjana Soldo, Jakov Colo and Vicka Mijatovic speaking about Our Lady's messages. I also have published posts on each "little stone" which you can find by clicking on the "Medjugorje" label.
The documentary film, The Triumph produced by Zaid Jazrawi and directed by Sean Bloomfield, is a must see movie for anyone who has a serious devotion to Our Lady. The documentary is presented in the form of a narrative of a young man's life, Ben, who is searching and seeking clarity for his life. Ben accepts Our Lady's invitation to Medjugorje and he quickly experiences a conversion in which he cooperates with Our Lady's plan by entering into the Cenacolo Community, a community for troubled young men who work, live and pray together, beginning life anew.
This ever important documentary of the Marian apparitions at Medjugorje includes a host of various individuals providing their testimony and commentary. An actual apparition, Mirjana Soldo's second of the month apparition is filmed. Bloomfield does a wonderful job capturing the spirit of Our Lady's visit to Mirjana and the joy experienced by the myriad of pilgrims in attendance. In addition to her apparition, the film provides the viewer with an opportunity to get to know Mirjana a bit with the inclusion of an unexpected interview she grants to Ben. As well, the viewer is exposed to the panoramic scenes of the beautiful wine vineyards, Cross Mountain, Apparition Hill, a visit to the Cenacolo Community, Serbian Orthodox Monastery and the Annual Youth Festival. This is but a partial list of what this documentary includes. If you would like to view the trailer, I have it available at my sidebar.
Saint Louis De Montfort in his book, True Devotion To Mary states that, Mary being our model and guide is our most surest and quickest way to Jesus. Mary is a Mother who knows and understands us and who can perfectly guide us on our earthly pilgrimage. Attending the Marian Day of Prayer will be a great opportunity to further experience Mary's love and will no doubt help you to further open your heart to Our Lady and her role in your life.
Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us.