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Gabriele Kuby's book, which can be ordered at Amazon.com |
Originally published in German in 2012, the English translation was made available in 2015. Being well acquainted with Kuby's work, and having read her articles on the Harry Potter occult controversy—which greatly aided my own occult awareness efforts—it wasn't long before I purchased my own copy.
I was pleased to discover that, just as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI had publicly acknowledged and supported Kuby's effort on Harry Potter, he did likewise for this book. Kuby published his praise, giving it priority placement at the back cover of the book.
In the Praise for The Global Sexual Revolution section, Kuby includes several other praises as part of an impressive list of individuals: Robert P. George, Princeton University; Austin Ruse, President, Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam), Michael D. O'Brien, Canadian author of Elijah in Jerusalem and The Island of the World; Patrick F. Fagan, Director, Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI); and Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo, Cardinal Deacon, S. Maria Liberatrice a Monte Testiccio, Rome. Here is what Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote about Kuby's "courageous work," and the global sexual revolution:
The core of the global sexual revolution is the deliberate confusion of sexual norms. It is the culmination of a metaphysical revolution as well—a shifting of the fundamental ground upon which we stand and build a culture, even a civilization. Instead of desire being subjected to natural, social, moral, and transcendent orders, the identity of man and woman is dissolved, and free rein given to the maximum fulfillment of polymorphous urges, with no ultimate purpose or meaning. Gabriele Kuby surveys gender ideology and LGBT demands, the devastating effects of pornography and sex-education, attacks on freedom of speech and religion, the corruption of language, and much more. From the movement's trailblazers to the post-Obergefell landscape, she documents in meticulous detail how the tentacles of a building totalitarian regime are slowly gripping the world in an insidious stranglehold. Here on full display are the re-education techniques of the new permanent revolution, which has migrated from politics and economics to sex. Kuby's courageous work is a call to action for all well-meaning people to redouble their efforts to preserve freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and in particular the freedom of parents to educate their children according to their own beliefs, so that the family may endure as the foundation upon which any healthy society is built.If you have ever placed any thought as to what has happened in our time; that is, why society has changed so much, and so quickly, Kuby's book is sure to satisfy your thirst for answers. It doesn't take much reflection to identify the negative changes we have experienced in the past few decades: the deregulation of sexual norms; the legalization and imposition of "same-sex marriage;" the recognition (a manipulative use of language that includes replacing "sex" with "gender") by governments, organizations, and professional associations of a host of "genders," which is a complete disconnect with the reality of the human person's sex, either as male or female; the increased judicial activism that ignores these and other truths (the Supreme Court of Canada's Carter ruling is a prime example); the sexualization of children from kindergarten to the end of high school; the many different attacks on the family, the primary cell of society, as well as to the value and inviolability of human life such as abortion (including the new method of abortion, RU-486), contraception, euthanasia and assisted suicide; the availability of pornography and pornovision; the attacks against freedom of speech, conscience rights and religious liberty, is a list that is by no means meant to be exhaustive.
We are contemporaries of a "cultural revolution!" Yes, there is a global culture war being waged—one that has been going on for quite some time—by an extremely small minority of people, funded and aided by billionaires and international corporations, who have forged alliances with several groups that today have become powerful lobbyists influencing the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), and governments. This has negatively impacted the family, population and economic growth, and has resulted in the distortion and dissolution of morality and ethics—especially amongst the youth—with regard to the human person and sexuality. In the Preface, Kuby identifies all this as the "global sexual revolution," and describes it as follows:
- Destruction of the inherited value systems of all cultures and religions.
- Support for the revolutionary agenda by the international political elites.
- Totalitarian endeavours, as seen in the program set forth in the Yogyakarta Principles.
- Concrete imposition of gender ideology on society to the point of politically motivated changes to the language.
- The pornographic epidemic, from which children and youth can no longer be protected.
- The homosexual movement as the activist engine that drives this revolution.
Kuby has organized her book into sixteen chapters, which ends with her conclusion that the global sexual revolution is leading us on a slippery slope to a new totalitarianism, a new world order. It won't take long for anyone who has read this book to come to the same conclusion.
In her first chapter, The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom, Kuby provides the reader with a brief explanation of the global sexual revolution, the "astonishing process" that brought it about in society, and what has resulted today.
Kuby then goes on to provide the historical context of the revolution's beginnings, in chapter two's, Trailblazers of the Sexual Revolution from the French Revolution to Today. In this chapter, she lists many well known thinkers and other individuals who contributed philosophical and psychological ideas, cultural revolutionary expertise, and culture-altering works of effort including: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, August Comte, Henri de Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud, C.G. Jung, John Watson, Wilhelm Reich, Alfred Kinsey, Jack Kerouac, just to name a few.
In the same chapter, Kuby also dedicates a section to Margaret Sanger (founder of the American Birth Control League), who was instrumental in the eugenics movement; a movement that was dedicated to population control and elimination of "undesirable" elements of the population. Kuby also includes other key points to consider, such as the 1960s student rebellions that together with the media brought the message of "sexual liberation" to every living room and most bedrooms.
As for the remaining chapters, here is just some of what Kuby writes about: the feminist beginnings of gender ideology in chapter three; how the United Nations helped the global sexual revolution is detailed in chapter four; chapter five's, Yogyakarta Principles, a manual for implementing gender ideology (free choice of gender, sexual orientation, and identity) which includes a 200-page handbook for political action, An Activist's Guide to the Yogyakarta Principles; chapter six, The European Union on the Gender Bandwagon; several Case Studies of the Gender Revolution found in chapter seven; the Political Rape of Language found in chapter eight; the problem of pornography detailed in chapter nine; the strategy and tactics of the homosexual movement in chapter ten; chapter eleven's explanation of homosexuality from a Christian perspective; chapter twelve's Sex Education from K through 12; chapter thirteen's Comprehensive Sex Education and the Catholic Church: What Is and What Should Be; the attacks on basic freedoms found in chapter fourteen, Intolerance and Discrimination; the growing resistance to the revolution detailed in chapter fifteen; and chapter sixteen on how the global sexual revolution is leading us on a slippery slope to a new totalitarianism.
If you would like to get a sense of just how comprehensive this book is, consider reading the following document that introduces the reader to Gabriele Kuby, provides the Table of Contents, and a text sample of chapter sixteen's, The Slippery Slope to a New Totalitarianism.
The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom
The first chapter, The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom, not only sets the tone for the dense amount of information contained in the chapters ahead, but introduces the reader to the fundamentals of the global sexual revolution.
We are experiencing a new totalitarianism, disguised under the mantle of freedom, tolerance, justice, equality, anti-discrimination, and diversity; a totalitarianism that seeks to dismantle and destroy sexual norms, and every ethical standard of sexual behaviour. This is all being done in the name of an ideology that denies the reality that individuals exist either as a man or a woman, that this polarity forms their identity, and that it is required for the propagation of humanity. This ideology is called gender mainstreaming.
Under the first subheading, The Dismantling of Sexuality, Kuby states in the first sentence of the first paragraph—and repeats this important point at the beginning of two other paragraphs—that, "WE ARE in the middle of an astonishing process." (7) The process that Kuby refers to is the attempt to create a new human being, coupled with the dissolution of any system of norms. It is a process that destroys the conditions that brought forth European high culture; that is, a Christian culture that provided for a moral foundation, one that was passed from one generation to the next through the family.
For those of us who are old enough, this "astonishing process" is quite noticeable in today's society. What was once considered to be valid a few decades ago is no longer the case; namely, the fundamental standards of the family.
The importance of the family, as a primary cell of society, was recognized in 1948 by the United Nations with the, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states,"The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State." (Art 16) This is in stark contrast to the UN of today, which attacks the family through the promotion of abortion and contraception, the recognition of "same-sex marriage," and the embracing of the LGBTQ agenda, including support for so-called "anti-discrimination" laws and policies. Kuby spotlights this difference with her comparison of the UN of 1948 and the UN of today:
People had just survived World War II, and put their hope in the new organization called the United Nations, which passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. It was a bulwark against the unspeakable horror that sent millions upon millions of people to their death. They had been degraded, deprived of their rights, dispossessed, agonized, tortured and murdered by people who had been blinded by ideology and dehumanized by the corruption of power. Half a century later, this same United Nations is where the battle is being fought to raise the murder of children in the womb to a human right, and for nations of the world to give same-sex marriage relationships the legal status of marriage. (13)Under the subheading, A New Soft Totalitarianism, Kuby spotlights how the current conditions reveal that our freedom is becoming more constricted. The first to notice this are those whose values get in the way of strategies of the powerful—namely, Christians. Kuby provides a prime example, "There is no prohibition against religious worship, but in the name of anti-discrimination, religious freedom is being insidiously curtailed, and the social conditions for handing on the faith to the next generation are being undermined." (11)
Kuby goes on to explain that it is delusional to think that no ideology is enforced by the state because the "...[N]ew gender ideology is firmly established in politics and universities, and it works behind the scenes. Although ordinary people don't know the term yet, the whole society is being 'gendered.' Like every utopian ideology, this one intends to create a new human being that it designs in accord with its own wishes." (11)
Kuby states that there is no identifiable system of state rule that visibly strives toward world domination, but there are global networks that follow a united agenda.
Further to this she adds that, although there is a basic democratic order, there are also uncontrollable powers exerting their will over voters, and their elected representatives: the financial oligarchy and the media.
My Concluding Thoughts
In the Afterword, Kuby first thanks the reader for taking the time to read this book, and then asks, "If you now feel you understand our times more clearly and ask yourself, 'What can I do?,' then it has been worth the effort—both yours and mine. If the question is pressing enough, you will find the answer." My answer is today's blog post, which I can only assume is the first of many to be published about such a comprehensive book, and important subject matter.
If this blog post is the first you have ever heard of the global sexual revolution, gender ideology, and gender mainstreaming, you are not alone.
No doubt some of you—if not everyone—can relate to my own bewilderment stemming from the headlines over a decade ago, when it seemed that every nation (2005 in Canada) was legalizing "same-sex marriage." It was a disturbing development that prompted me to ask how and why is all this happening.
Gabriele Kuby certainly answered that question, and did so thoroughly, and with clarity. It was only after reading this book did I come to understand the truth of the matter; that is, all this was was part of something bigger. It is a cultural revolution that does not serve the needs of the population, and one that completely ignores the truth of the human person, and how he or she is to live—which Saint Pope John Paul II wrote about in, The Theology of the Body.
I hope that you found today's post an intriguing read, and are encouraged to purchase this book, which you can do on line at Amazon.com. To borrow from Patrick F. Fagan's praise, "All who read this book will join Pope Benedict in saying 'Thank God you speak and write.' It is the most comprehensive primer ever on the culture wars. Without it, one fights half blind; read it and be changed...Buy a dozen copies and form your own battalion of counter-revolutionaries."
Let all conscientious Catholics, Christians alike, and all people of good will join the "resistance" against the global sexual revolution. At stake is the future of the family, the true identity of the human person, the proper understanding of the challenge of human sexuality (St. Pope John Paul II's Love and Responsibility), our culture, and civilization as a whole.