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Kellie Leitch and President Donald Trump, a perfect compliment to a united, strong North America. |
One of the many lessons that we here in Canada can draw from the American election experience of last year, is that the mainstream media or to quote Pamela Geller, the "enemedia" cannot be trusted. Not that this wasn't already known, but it became better understood and was certainly brought to forefront during President Donald Trump's campaign.
As one who watched the Republican Party—also known as the Grand Old Party (GOP)—leadership race and the election that followed with great interest, that truth became abundantly clear each day as President Trump's popularity and support grew stronger. It eventually reached a point where President Trump began to openly refer to mainstream media as the "dishonest media."
The dishonesty of the mainstream media was further spotlighted by the reporting of skewed statistics from poll, after poll, after poll; none of which proved to accurately represent the will of the American people. It was at best, a feeble attempt to change the minds of voters and discourage voter turnout.
Public trust is an important and essential aspect of any news media company, and once lost, it is extremely difficult to recover the credibility needed to regain that public trust again.
Here in Canada, we are going through a somewhat similar situation, but on a lesser scale: the dishonest media reporting on the leadership race for the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), specifically with respect to their attempts to stop Kellie Leitch at all costs!
Why does the enemedia seek to stop Kellie Leitch?
Leitch has been the only candidate in the leadership race for the CPC, who is unafraid to challenge the status quo and the political correctness that the mainstream media and elites continue to impose upon Canadians.
Leitch's boldness coupled with her common-sense-conservative solutions does not bode well with the mainstream media and the elites, many of whom are on the far left of the political spectrum.
Truth be told, the Canadian left are in a panic over the very real possibility of the Trump-effect becoming a political reality here in Canada; that is, Kellie becoming the new leader of the CPC and the next Prime Minister in 2019. That panic is heightened by the fact that Leitch is Canada's compliment to President Donald Trump, which I have written about in my previous post, Kellie Leitch: Canada's Compliment to President-elect Donald Trump.
There is also another major reason why the mainstream media have targeted her as part of their ongoing and increasing panic: Leitch's policy position on those who want to come to Canada, which stipulates that all visitors, refugees, and immigrants be screened for Canadian values. It is a policy position that resonates very, very well with two-thirds of Canadians!
Leitch's immigration policy position is part of her vision for Canada, which she has made very clear: creating more freedom and more prosperity by promoting a unified Canadian identity that is based on historic Canadian values.
Leitch states on her web site, "If we want continue to grow and develop that identity, we need to make sure that those who want to come to Canada share those values."
Screening for Canadian values is what has really set Leitch apart from the other candidates, which she makes known on her web site, "Many in the media, the out-of-touch elites, most of the Trudeau Liberals, and even some Conservatives, including all of the other candidates in this leadership race have come out against my policy that would require all immigrants, refugees, and visitors to Canada to have a face-to-face interview with a trained immigration officer."
Just what exactly are those values you ask? Leitch lists and expands upon each one at her web site's Screening For Canadian Values page: equal opportunity, hard work, helping others, generosity, freedom, and tolerance.
To top it all off, Kellie Leitch is a solid candidate, both in terms of her private and professional life, her education and work experience. Add to this her widespread support, coupled with a well executed campaign, and Leitch has emerged as a candidate that threatens the party establishment, the mainstream media, and the elites. The following additional realities of Leitch and her campaign just adds to the panic:
- The enormous support she received in April'2016 after she registered as a candidate, that has been growing ever since.
- The army of volunteers of 1,500 people and growing.
- Kellie's ability to connect with Canadians and to speak on their behalf, which has led her campaign in the signing up thousands of new members to the party.
- Kellie's qualities of unparalleled work ethic and compassion for others, has attracted many long-time members into the campaign as supporters, donors and volunteers.
- The building of a significant national campaign and broad coalition across the nation.
Much of what is going on with the mainstream media was predicted and made known by Leitch's Campaign Manager Nick Kouvalis in his January 2, campaign update email.
The enemedia's strategy of attack to stop Kellie Leitch
The strategy that the enemedia will continue to employ in their attempts to try and stop Kellie Leitch includes: personal attacks on Leitch and her campaign; reports that are at best, opinions; questionable reporting of untrustworthy polls; support any other candidate that they think can beat Kellie; and try to create a narrative that suits their agenda.
A large part of the enemedia's effort will be in the form of "news" articles, both in print and on the internet, which they will use in an attempt to implant their narrative upon the hearts and minds of Canadians with headlines and details that can only be described as, and to borrow from President Donald Trump's description of Buzzfeed's fake news reporting, "A pile of garbage."
To date, I have seen several articles that qualify as such! I will not elaborate on each one due to the fact that in order to properly address those articles, I would have to write and publish separate blog posts in the form of rebuttals, just to deal with the amount of "garbage."
Here is what Kouvalis noted about the dishonest media's portrayal the leadership race and Kellie Leitch during the months of November and December'2016: no one wants to be the leader of the Conservative Party because Justin Trudeau cannot be beaten in 2019; Leitch cannot win the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada; Leitch is using wedge and dog whistle politics; Leitch is a fraud, racist, and xenophobe that will never win. None of this is true!
Kouvalis went on to point out that the mainstream media also made similar statements about former Prime Minister Steven Harper, and yet he was elected twice! Kouvalis put a fine point on the matter when he stated:
It doesn't matter what the media and the elites say. The only thing that matters is what Kellie Leitch says. She will seek out the media at every opportunity to speak directly to Canadians. Kellie will continue to use the media to let Canadians get to know her on a personal level. That's the way to build trust with the electorate.This is exactly what Kellie has done! She has mastered the art of ignoring the hate and has focussed on delivering the message that most Canadians—two-thirds of whom share Kellie's vision for Canada—are desperate to hear!
Perhaps what was most prophetic about Kouvalis's email was his warning that the enemedia will get behind any candidate that they think can beat Kellie. He went so far as to state that, "By February the media will likely settle on Kevin O'Leary as the leading contender to win the race." This is exactly what we have been experiencing for about ten days already.
I have every confidence in and great respect for Nick Kouvalis, that he will successfully get Kellie Leitch elected as the new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.
Kouvalis has certainly proven himself in the past—beating the mainstream media in the process—with the successful campaigns he ran for former Prime Minster Steven Harper, the former and late Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford, and Premier Christy Clark of British Columbia.
The enemedia settling for the status quo, establishment candidate Kevin O'Leary
One of the key shortcomings of O'Leary's candidacy is his lack of specificity and clarity with any identifiable policy position. Just visit his web site: it is intentionally vague and does not even have a policy page. Trying to acquire information on where he stands on the key issues facing Canadians today, is the equivalent of going on a scavenger hunt with no "treasure" to be found! More than anything else, I find his web site to be quite annoying and bombastic!
With such vagueness and so many unknowns about O'Leary and his candidacy, it only begs the question, can Canadians afford to gamble with such a candidate? I think it is fair to say that the answer to that question is rather obvious: no!
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One of America's enemedia news companies, CNN, and the article written about Kevin O'Leary. The fact that O'Leary proudly publishes this article on his web site speaks volumes about him and his candidacy. |
Here are a few other things you may find interesting about him. O'Leary lives in the United States; he calls Boston "home." He does not speak French and has neglected French Canada as was evidenced by his intentional absence at the Quebec City CPC leadership debate. It was only after that debate did O'Leary launch his campaign! Although he is now taking French lessons, it was only a few months ago that he stated that he didn't need to learn French.
Add to all this O'Leary has called Leitch's immigration policy position of screening for all immigrants, refugees, and visitors with face to-face interviews for Canadian values, "crazy." O'Leary has no immigration proposals to address Canada's growing immigration problem!
It is foolish for O'Leary to consider Leitch's immigration policy position "crazy," given the fact that after the Liberal Party of Canada won the general election in the Fall'2015, Prime Minister Trudeau fast-tracked the emigration of more than 25,000 so-called Syrian "refugees" between November 4, 2015, and February 29, 2016, into Canada. According to the Government of Canada, as of January 2, 2017, the total number of Syrian "refugees" that have entered into Canada is 39,671. All this has been done at a cost to Canadian tax payers of $400 million and growing!
To make matters worse, Prime Minister Trudeau twitted the following on Saturday, January 28 (after President Donald Trump issued an executive order temporarily halting U.S. refugee resettlement), "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength,” Trudeau tweeted along with the hashtag, “#WelcomeToCanada.”
With such a reckless immigration policy in place can members of the CPC and all Canadians, in good conscience, throw their support behind O'Leary. The answer is quite clear: no!
Of what I do know about O'Leary—which I find quite disturbing—is that he has made other disparaging remarks about Kellie earlier in the race, not to mention his position that Canada should not be fighting ISIS and terrorism.
In addition, O'Leary supports legalized marijuana and proposes increased funding for Canada's largest mainstream media company, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), from $1.2 billion to $1.6 billion per year. The CBC's annual funding and the increase O'Leary proposes, is Canadian tax payer money!
After careful review of O'Leary's candidacy, what emerges is a status-quo, establishment candidate, who differs from Prime Minister Trudeau's economic policies—as do most of the other candidates—but has himself claimed many times that he could easily run as a Liberal!
It is my perception that the elites and the mainstream media have settled on O'Leary because he is a successful businessman, and a television personality who is popular with some Canadians.
I firmly believe that O'Leary is not the best candidate to lead the Conservative Party of Canada!
Interested to know more about why I don't consider O'Leary "the" candidate for the CPC leadership? Here is an article from Arlene Dickinson of Maclean's Magazine, that paints an accurate picture of who Kevin O'Leary really is, and probably always will be, Why I wouldn’t vote for Kevin O’Leary—and neither should you.
The enemedia's other option Maxime Bernier
Maxime Bernier, was a Foreign Affairs Minister under former Prime Minister Steven Harper's government, who was forced to resign in May'2008 due to his leaving sensitive classified documents at his former girlfriend's (Julie Couillard) apartment, a woman with former ties to biker gangs/organized crime.
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Maxime Bernier and Julie Couillard. Photo: Huffington Post Canada/Julie Couillard, Maxime Bernier's Former Flame, Broke Lobbying Rules, Watchdog Says |
What does this say about a man who knowingly gets involved with a woman who was connected to such "organizations." It certainly speaks to a lack of moral judgement, which his position as Minister of State for Small Business, Tourism, and Agriculture, and his candidacy for the CPC leadership, seems to further spotlight.
Bernier has been known to say one thing, and then do another. This doesn't bode well with the Canadian public especially when his candidacy is also a run for the highest office in the land: the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).
Case in point, he has stated in an email approximately two weeks ago that, “It’s time to end the practice of a big fat government in Ottawa buying votes with debt, inflation, and tax dollars.” As Minister of State for Small Business, Tourism, and Agriculture from 2011, to 2015, Bernier handed out at least thirty-five cheques totalling more than $42 million. Here are some examples of where that money went and what it was used for:
- $1 million to Hotel Forestel Val-d'Or Inc. for improvements to common areas and renovations of forty-five rooms.
- $87,500 to Granit National Inc. to acquire Computer Numerical Control machining center.
- $108,100 to Saint-Henedine Recreation Commission for the renovation of a recreation cottage.
- $350,000 to Immobilisation 2010 Inc. for the acquisition of leading edge equipment
- $126,300 to Montoneige Beauce Sud Inc. for the purchase of a new snow grooming machine.
There are many other examples that speak to Bernier's lack of ethics and loss of credibility. When it comes to respecting taxpayers, he has been quoted as saying, “What I want to offer is a government that will respect taxpayers...” Here is how Bernier proved this point in the past; he spent several thousands on flights including $7,367.28, on a trip from Ottawa to Calgary and Edmonton, and $22,573, on a flight to attend a two-day conference in Laos with a stopover in Paris.
As Leitch pointed out in her January 17, Facebook release, "Maxime Bernier is in no position to give anyone lessons on consistency and authenticity. To beat Justin Trudeau you cannot act like Justin Trudeau and unfortunately, with Maxime Bernier, that’s just what you will get. Winning in 2019 will require hard work and honesty — not inconsistency and hypocrisy."
As for some of his policy positions: Bernier supports legalized marijuana; does not support supply management; and most noteworthy of all, Bernier does not support the screening of all immigrants, refugees, and visitors with face-to-face interviews, for our historic Canadian values!
To put it quite simply, Maxime Bernier is another establishment candidate and; therefore, not the candidate the CPC should be voting for in May.
Vote for Kellie Leitch and help secure her victory in May
As of this post, there are fourteen candidates running for the leadership of the CPC, one of whom will be elected by the members of the party. So where does that leave non-members who are interested in voting for Kellie Leitch. Those individuals who seek to get involved with the CPC and vote, can do so by joining the party.
To become a Conservative Member for Kellie, it will only cost $15.00 for an annual membership. Once you become a member, you will then be eligible to vote for Kellie Leitch. Take note, the deadline to do so is March 28.
The voting process is actually quite simple:
- As previously mentioned, you must join the Conservative Party of Canada by March 28.
- Check your mail after April 28 for a voter ballot that will be mailed to all members.
- Fill out the voter ballot with a copy of your identification and mail it back. Note that only ballots received before 5:00pm ET on May 26, will count.
- Alternatively, ballots can be delivered in person, with proper identification, to one of the polling stations, which will be announced by early February.
If we, as Canadians, are serious about making Canada a better place to live for ourselves and for future generations, we need to get involved and do what Christian Evangelist Franklin Graham promoted during his Decision America Tour, "Pray, vote, and engage in the political process."
If you are not doing so already, pray for Kellie Leitch and all who are involved in her campaign!